Many people wish they had known more about how to buy a home years ago. As the old Chinese proverb goes, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today." This also holds true for buying your first home. Many people think they can’t and maybe they can’t right now. But they don’t actually have a plan to buy a home. Something as daunting as a home purchase lends to procrastination. I can symphathize so my advice is to reach out to people who have bought multiple homes. I am sure there are many around you. You can also join many groups on social media to learn more, but just be aware of scams.
It’s almost never too late to buy a home but you have a huge advantage if you buy when you are young or before you have a family. That’s because you can be more flexible. Many first-time buyers purchase after they have a partner, but it can get more complicated and difficult as you need to compromise. The best time to buy is when you can have some delayed gratification and it’s easier when you are alone. If you have a mindset to purchase a home, it really helps to be flexible. Is it the right price, neighborhood, school, etc? A lot can ride on these criteria, but one of your main criteria should be to just buy a home. When you have your own property, it can change the trajectory of your life.